

My Spouse Wants a Divorce, Now What?

Andrew Hatherley, CDFA®

February 12, 2020

No matter how prepared you might have been, when a spouse asks for a divorce in Las Vegas it can be a shock to the system. A flood of emotions can make it difficult to figure out what to do next. It might not feel like it at first – but you will make it through.

No matter how prepared you might have been, when a spouse asks for a divorce it can be a shock to the system.

No matter how prepared you might have been, when a spouse asks for a divorce it can be a shock to the system.

Take Care of Your Emotional Wellbeing 

Have you heard the safety announcements on an airplane? If so, you know you have to put your oxygen mask on yourself first before helping others (even your kids). The same goes for a divorce. You must first take care of your emotional well being before you can expect to guide the rest of your family through the situation. Start by giving yourself time to process how you feel.

Taking care of yourself first isn’t selfish. In fact, it will allow you to be stronger throughout the process. That, in turn will make it easier to help your kids and other family members with their emotions. 

If you aren’t ready to let go of the relationship – it might be time to consider other actions. Suggest taking a break, getting some counseling or a temporary separation. If divorce is the next step, then you need to start preparing for the reality of the situation. 

Working with a professional, such as a counselor or therapist, can help. While a divorce doesn’t involve death, it can be as traumatic as losing a loved one. You’ll likely complete all the stages of grief, including denial, anger, depression, and bargaining. Only after you’ve given yourself time to heal will you be able to look toward the future.

“Only after you’ve given yourself time to heal will you be able to look toward the future.”

Handle Your Finances

Divorce will change your financial situation if it hasn’t already. The sooner you reconcile your finances with reality, the better.

Working parents may find the need for extra childcare. Stay-at-home parents will have to re-enter the workforce. You need to consider the financial changes you are facing and determine the best course of action for the future.

Take a few minutes to write down all your expenses. You might include:

  • Utilities
  • Housing
  • Phone
  • Internet/Television
  • Clothing and Personal Items
  • Food
  • Transportation

…and anything else that you pay for on a monthly or annual basis. 

Then, write down your income. If you don’t have enough income to cover the expenses, you’ll have to make up the difference. This might come in the form of getting another job, cutting back on those expenses or you may need to request child support or alimony. 

From a financial perspective, you can’t start this process too early. I recommend reviewing your financial situation with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA). By doing so, you’ll be able to avoid expensive mistakes in your settlement agreement. A CDFA will help you inventory and categorize your assets and liabilities. He’ll also make recommendations for a division that is in your best interest.

A CDFA will help you inventory and categorize your assets and liabilities. He’ll also make recommendations for a division that is in your best interest.

Tell Your Children

Divorce can be traumatic for children, but there are ways to soften the blow. The most important thing to ensure is that your kids know the divorce is not their fault. The discussion will change depending on the age of the kids, so make sure you keep it relevant to what they need to know. Always be open and honest with them about why you are divorcing.

Another commitment you should make is to be amicable with your ex in front of your kids. It might be easier said than done, but it’ll go a long way to preserving your kids’ relationships with both parties. Don’t pretend to be nice either as kids catch on to that quickly. Instead, work on being nice to your spouse when the kids are around and speaking kindly of them when he or she isn’t. 

Consider Your Legal Options

As soon as your spouse tells you he or she wants a divorce in Las Vegas, you should seek professional help. An attorney is one option, but mediation can be a more affordable and healthier divorce alternative. 

By committing to mediation, you and your ex will be able to navigate:

  • Child support
  • Spousal support
  • Dividing assets and debt

…as well as other issues related to your specific situation. 

Considering mediation for your divorce? Contact Wiser Divorce Solutions today to schedule your FREE consultation.

Make the effort to be amicable with your ex in front of your kids. It might be easier said than done, but it’ll go a long way to preserving your kids’ relationships with both parties.

Create the Best Life After Divorce in Las Vegas

The process of going through a divorce can be challenging, but make sure to keep your eyes on the future.

  • Will you go to school to get that degree you’ve always wanted?
  • Will you learn to play piano?
  • How about that trip to Florence?

When you spend time thinking about your future, you set the stage for your future life.

Want help achieving the best life after divorce in Las Vegas? Contact Wiser Divorce Solutions to help you lay the financial foundation for your new life.

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Wiser Divorce Solutions

Certified Divorce Financial Analyst (CDFA®), Andrew Hatherley can help you to reach a workable resolution to your divorce so that you can get on with your new life and get started on your dreams.

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Andrew Hatherley is NOT AN ATTORNEY AND DOES NOT PROVIDE LEGAL ADVICE. All information he provides is financial in nature and should not be construed or relied upon as legal or tax advice. Individuals seeking legal or tax advice should solicit the counsel of competent legal or tax professionals knowledgeable about the divorce laws in their own geographical areas. Divorce planning is a fee-only process that does not involve investment advice or securities or insurance transactions.

Copyright © 2020  Wiser Divorce Solutions.  All Rights Reserved. Site Managed by Sarah Brumley Marketing.

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