Divorcing With Debt
Debt can be troublesome to the happiest of marriages but when divorce happens and emotions are fraught, debt can be added gasoline to the fire.

Engineering a Good Divorce – Andrew Hatherley In-Studio with Fox5 MORE Show
Andrew joins the Fox5 MORE Show to discuss divorce alternatives to attorneys and the litigation process.

The Financial Benefits of Shopping Early for Christmas Gifts
Shopping early you can not only take advantage of great sales, but you can also avoid racking up a big balance on your credit card bill at the end of the year.

Typical Divorce Money Mistakes
Even if you feel like you are clear headed, here are a few of the most common money mistakes to look out for when getting divorced.

Divorce Financial Advice for Men
Even if you have handled your family finances during marriage, you still need to be sure you understand the complexities of your financial and legal options.